Romantic Realignments is one of the longest-running research seminars in Oxford.

Past speakers have included Marilyn Butler, Gerard Carruthers, David Chandler, Heather Glen, Paul Muldoon, Philip Shaw, Fiona Stafford and Peter Swaab, to name but a few.

All are very welcome to submit an abstract — we aim to provide a friendly 'workshop' setting in which speakers can try out new papers as well as more finished pieces, and in which lively discussion can flourish.

Held on Thursdays at 5.15pm, Seminar Room A, St Cross (English Faculty) Building.

If you would like to send us an abstract or suggest a speaker, please contact the current convenors Katherine Fender, Sarah Goode and Honor Rieley at:


Hilary 2013 Termcard

Dear All,

Here is the termcard for Hilary 2013. I would like to highlight, among many others, talks by Mary-Ann Constantine and James Vigus this term! Looking forward to seeing many of you there!

Romantic Realignments
Every Thursday at 5:15pm
Magdalen College, Lecture Room A

Week 1: 17th January
David Higgins (Leeds) Local and Global Geographies in Coleridge’s Poetry of the 1790s

Week 2: 24th January
Jo Taylor (Keele) Hartley Coleridge's sublime spaces

Week 3: 31st January
John Goodridge (Nottingham) Bloomfield, Clare and labouring-class poetry

Week 4: 7th February
Catherine Redford (Bristol) 'What was, what is, and shall be': Empire and the Romantic Last Man* please note the change in title 

Week 5: 14th February
Mary-Ann Constantine (Wales) Here be dragons: the politics of literature in 1790s Wales

Week 6: 21st February
Pedro Carol (Fribourg) “Strike at the root”: Shelley’s Revision of the Creation Myth in "Queen Mab" and "The Revolt of Islam"

Week 7: 28th February
James Vigus (Queen Mary) Wordsworth's 'Poetic Quakerism'

Week 8: 7th March*note the change in speaker
Andrew Warren (Harbard) Romantic Entanglements 


Happy New Year!

Dear All,

We wanted to wish you all the best for 2013--may it be a productive and successful year for all! 

There will be many new things coming up this year and this term, including the first Oxford Romanticism Conference this May 30th, 2013! Although the call for papers is now closed (for more information or questions, email oxfordromanticismconference[at] we encourage you all to join us for a wonderful line up of speakers and papers! 

The conference is on The Romantic Medium: Language and Lexicon. We would like to welcome our keynotes speakers, Michael O'Neill (Durham) and Stephen Gill (Oxford).

Hope to see you all there! Stay tuned for the Hilary termcard will be posted shortly!

Correction: the previous link for the CFP did not work. It may now be found